Tuesday, October 6, 2020



COURSE   : 3rd & 4th Semester of 3-year B.Sc. in H&HA
SUBJECT    : Food Safety & Quality
(Marks allotted to each question are given in brackets) _____________________________________________________
1. Food borne illness is caused due to lack of knowledge about food hygiene, kitchen hygiene and personal hygiene.  Discuss in brief. (10)
2. Discuss the various factors affecting the growth of micro-organisms along with the Growth Curve. (10)
3. Discuss factors favourable for the growth and multiplication of microorganisms.  (10)
4. (a)What favourable conditions are necessary for growth of micro-organisms?       
(b) List and explain various principles of food preservation.                   (5+5=10)
5. What are the common food borne infections? (10)
6. Explain the importance of food safety to hospitality industry.                            (10)
7. State and explain the beneficial and harmful effects of microorganisms with examples.     (5)
8. Discuss the role of micro-organisms in the fermentation of foods. (5)
9. List the measures to be adopted to prevent food borne diseases. (5)
10. Chefs  are dependent on microorganisms.  Discuss with examples. (5)
11. What are the 3E’s of food safety? (5)
12. Which is the common food borne microorganisms? (5)
13. What are the causes of spoilage of canned foods and eggs? (5)
14. Discuss any two food borne diseases and also its preventive measures. (5)
15. Discuss various food borne diseases. (5)
16. Explain the causes and symptoms of food infections of bacterial origin. (5)
17. Define fermentation and give examples of fermented foods. (5)
18. Explain growth curve of micro-organisms. (5)
19. Describe the morphological characteristics of different micro-organisms found in food. (5)
20. Explain the method of food preservation by use of low temperature. (5)
21. Write short notes any two :
a. Food hazards
b. 3E’s of food safety
c. Methods of food preservation (2x5=10)
22. Expand the following (any five):
(a)   PFA   (b)  MPO    (c)   BIS   (d)   WHO   (e)  FPO  (f)   GM    (g) HACCP   
(h)HTST  (i)ISI    (j)ISO   (k)CAP 
23. State True or False:  (5x1=5)
(a)Cooking destroys vegetative cells and spores of pathogen.
(b) Danger zone temperature ranges from 25ºC – 40ºC.
(c) Anaerobes can grow in absence of free oxygen.
(d) Saccharomyces  cerevisiae is used for fermentation of bread dough. 
(e) The toxin produced by clostridium Botulinum is one of the most toxic substances known.
(f) For yoghurt, the manufacturer depends on a symbiotic relationship between two bacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

24. Fill in the blanks:                                                                                                     (5X1=5)
a. __________ is defined as keeping food safe to eat at every stage of purchasing, receiving, storage, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating, and serving.
b. __________ are bacteria that are spherical or ovoid in shape. 
c. The _____________phase of growth in microorganisms is the phase during which the rate of multiplication is most rapid and is constant.
d. __________ destroys vitamin B2, A and C.
e.  ____________ is produced by fermenting honey.

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SUBJECT CODE: BHM207 COURSE   : 3rd & 4th Semester of 3-year B.Sc. in H&HA SUBJECT    : Food Safety & Quality QUESTION BANK ...