Tuesday, October 6, 2020



COURSE   : 3rd & 4th Semester of 3-year B.Sc. in H&HA
SUBJECT    : Food Safety & Quality
(Marks allotted to each question are given in brackets) _____________________________________________________
1. Food borne illness is caused due to lack of knowledge about food hygiene, kitchen hygiene and personal hygiene.  Discuss in brief. (10)
2. Discuss the various factors affecting the growth of micro-organisms along with the Growth Curve. (10)
3. Discuss factors favourable for the growth and multiplication of microorganisms.  (10)
4. (a)What favourable conditions are necessary for growth of micro-organisms?       
(b) List and explain various principles of food preservation.                   (5+5=10)
5. What are the common food borne infections? (10)
6. Explain the importance of food safety to hospitality industry.                            (10)
7. State and explain the beneficial and harmful effects of microorganisms with examples.     (5)
8. Discuss the role of micro-organisms in the fermentation of foods. (5)
9. List the measures to be adopted to prevent food borne diseases. (5)
10. Chefs  are dependent on microorganisms.  Discuss with examples. (5)
11. What are the 3E’s of food safety? (5)
12. Which is the common food borne microorganisms? (5)
13. What are the causes of spoilage of canned foods and eggs? (5)
14. Discuss any two food borne diseases and also its preventive measures. (5)
15. Discuss various food borne diseases. (5)
16. Explain the causes and symptoms of food infections of bacterial origin. (5)
17. Define fermentation and give examples of fermented foods. (5)
18. Explain growth curve of micro-organisms. (5)
19. Describe the morphological characteristics of different micro-organisms found in food. (5)
20. Explain the method of food preservation by use of low temperature. (5)
21. Write short notes any two :
a. Food hazards
b. 3E’s of food safety
c. Methods of food preservation (2x5=10)
22. Expand the following (any five):
(a)   PFA   (b)  MPO    (c)   BIS   (d)   WHO   (e)  FPO  (f)   GM    (g) HACCP   
(h)HTST  (i)ISI    (j)ISO   (k)CAP 
23. State True or False:  (5x1=5)
(a)Cooking destroys vegetative cells and spores of pathogen.
(b) Danger zone temperature ranges from 25ºC – 40ºC.
(c) Anaerobes can grow in absence of free oxygen.
(d) Saccharomyces  cerevisiae is used for fermentation of bread dough. 
(e) The toxin produced by clostridium Botulinum is one of the most toxic substances known.
(f) For yoghurt, the manufacturer depends on a symbiotic relationship between two bacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

24. Fill in the blanks:                                                                                                     (5X1=5)
a. __________ is defined as keeping food safe to eat at every stage of purchasing, receiving, storage, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating, and serving.
b. __________ are bacteria that are spherical or ovoid in shape. 
c. The _____________phase of growth in microorganisms is the phase during which the rate of multiplication is most rapid and is constant.
d. __________ destroys vitamin B2, A and C.
e.  ____________ is produced by fermenting honey.

Friday, July 31, 2020

UNIT 1 - Introduction to Food Safety

Food Safety

The safety of food produced, served & consumed is of utmost importance to everyone, more so to those who habitually eat outside their homes and are unaware of the intrinsic quality of food that is served to them, even though their taste buds approve it.

Food production centers or kitchens provide all conditions necessary for the growth of microorganisms, such as food, humidity & right temperature. All of which are conducive to the spread of infection, disease & infestation if not controlled & monitored through strict regimens with respect to hygiene & sanitation practices.


 Food safety is defined as keeping food safe to eat at every stage of (purchasing, receiving, storage, preparing, cooking, holding, cooling, reheating, and serving) handling as it passes through the flow of food from farm to table.

The relationship of safe food & health is well established & has been linked to the cultural practices of the country. The problem of getting safe food is more severe in public eating places where a large quantity of food is pre-prepared, held & finished on demand for service.

Food safety problems can be tackled at various levels in different ways with training in safety being organized. Training in safety can be organized into 3 distinct categories usually abbreviated as the 3E’s, namely safety education; safety engineering and enforcement of safety.

1. Safety Education

Should start during induction of the employee to the establishment.
Is effective by the formation of safety committees in the establishment.
Should include giving information about the legal and financial implication of accidents.
Should be done using audio-visual aids discussion, bulletin board, weekly safety theme.

2. Safety Engineering

This involves the building in of safety features in the structure of the establishment in the equipment, furniture and fittings, and their proper arrangements within the spaces equipment should be selected with care to ensure safety in design that can make it possible to maintain sanitation of parts that come in contact with food.

3. Enforcement of Safety

That means implementation or practice safety rules need to be enforced by rule, law or custom and practice. Also by

  • Discipline at work
  • Close supervision of all activities in vulnerable areas and at peak hours
  • Closing all switches for fuel supply and water taps when not in use.
  • Immediate attention to repair of leaks and regular maintenance and servicing of equipment to ensure optimum operation

Thus food safety is the protection of food product from unintentional contamination.

Safety programs

Safety programs and policies can only be effective if the staffs are trained to think and act safety at work for this, educating them in the following areas is necessary.
(i)  Teaching safe methods, with particular emphasis on areas of potential dangers, & how these can be guarded against.
(ii)  Demonstrating the use of safety equipment installed in the established and location and use of first aid material.
(iii)  Inculcating in people the ability to recognize the signs of the hazard around them, in colleagues and equipment e.g. – an unwell person or an unusual sound from an equipment.
(iv)  Teaching staff the legal implication of non-adherence to safety procedures.

Food Hazards

According to 2005 FDA food code, a hazard is a biological, chemical or physical property that may cause a food to be unsafe for human consumption

Biological hazard

  • Biological hazard includes bacterial viral and parasitic microorganisms bacteria.
  • The majority of biological hazards are bacteria that can be controlled through time, temperature, acidity and water activity. Some bacteria from spores that and highly assistant and may not be destroyed by cooking and drying.
  • Viruses can exist in food without growing, but they can rapidly reproduce once they are on a living host, most typically a human being. Viruses can best be controlled by good personal hygiene, because that limits the transmission of viruses via human contact or common food contact.
  • Parasites also need a host. They are mostly animals – host specific. What the can survive in humans. Adequate cooking or freezing destroys parasites. Special attention to foods such as pork, fish and bear,  they are known to carry parasites.

Chemical hazards

  • Chemical hazards also cause foodborne illness. Chemical hazards may occur naturally or may be introduced during any stage of food production. 
  • Natural occurring chemicals can be found in some species of fish or shellfish some plant foods and mushrooms e.g. some chemicals added to food also make them unsafe. 
  • These include sulfites, sodium nitrates, mono sodium glutamate or lead, copper environmental additives (fertilizers pesticides) and cleaning agents (sanitizers, lubricants)

Physical hazards

Any physical material or foreign object not normally found in a food that can cause illness and injury it may result from contamination carelessness, mishandling and implementing poor procedures at many points. From harvest to consumers. e.g. Glass, wood, stone, metal, fragments, bone, plastic.


Contaminants are substances that have not been intentionally added to food. These substances may be present in food as a result of the various stages of its production, packaging, transport or holding.

They also might result from environmental contamination. Contamination generally has a negative impact on the quality of food and may imply a risk to human health.

Food hygiene

Food hygiene may be defined as the sanitary science which aims to produce food that is safe for the consumer and of good keeping quality. It covers a wide field and includes the rearing, feeding, marketing and slaughter of animals as well as the sanitation procedures designed to prevent bacteria of human origin reaching foodstuffs.

As per WHO, Food hygiene's are the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. Food can become contaminated at any point during slaughtering or harvesting, processing, storage, distribution, transportation and preparation. Lack of adequate food hygiene can lead to foodborne diseases and death of the consumer.


ADI                        :   Acceptable Daily Intake
Agmark                  :  Agmark grading & marketing Acts & rules
BIS                          :  Bureau of Indian Standards
BOAA                     :  Beta-oxalyl Aminoalanine
BSE                         :  Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
CAC                       :  Codex Alimentarius Commission
CAP                        :  Controlled Atmosphere Packaging
CCFS                      :  Central Committee for Food Standards
CFTRI                     :  Central Food Technological Research Institute
CJD                        :  Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease
DNA                      :  Deoxyribonucleic Acid
EPA                       :  Environmental Protection Agency
FAO                       :  Food & Agricultural organization
FAD                       :  Food & Drug Administration
FPO                       :  Fruits Products Order
GEMS                   :  Global Environmental Monitoring System
GHP                      :  Good Handling Practices
GM                       :  Genetically Modified
GMP                     :  Good Manufacturing Practices
GRAS                    :  Generally Recognized as Safe
HACCP                :  Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
HTST                   : High-Temperature short time
ISI                         :  Indian Standard Institution
ISO                        :  International Organization for Standardization
LTLT                     : Low-Temperature Long Time
MAP                     :  Modified Atmosphere Packaging
MBM                    :  Meat & Bone Meal
MSG                     :  Mono Sodium Glutamate
NHP                      :  National Health Policy
NIN                       :  National Institute of Nutrition
PFA                       :  Prevention of Food Adulteration
QA                        :  Quality Assurance
QC                        :  Quality Control
SWAM                    :  Standard Weight & Measures Acts
TQM                      :   Time Quality Management
UHT                      :  Ultra High Temperature
UV                        :  Ultra Violet Ray
WHO                    :  World Health Organization


SUBJECT CODE: BHM207 COURSE   : 3rd & 4th Semester of 3-year B.Sc. in H&HA SUBJECT    : Food Safety & Quality QUESTION BANK ...